Birder Certification Online ... a program for improving the validity of bird monitoring

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The Birder Certification Online program provides a rigorous method for verifying field identification skills of both professional and non-professional bird observers. A major goal is to help validate the integrity of bird inventory and monitoring projects by improving and documenting birder identification skills. The program also provides an educational tool for students and recreational birders of all skill levels.

Birder Certification Online is a project of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, with funding and collaboration from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership, Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory, The 1923 Fund, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Certification is available in eight separate Bird Conservation Regions. Visit the North American Bird Conservation Initiative for more information about the Bird Conservation Regions.

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Bird Conservation Regions